I am currently on retreat, surrounded by forest and wetland, at the end of a long gravel road. My office is in the turret (see photo), providing an excellent view of forests, fields, and beaver ponds. Coyotes and owls call at night. During this period of retreat, I will not be updating this blog, but will regularly update my main web site www.drpaulkeddy.com.

Looking for something particular?
For my new book on Louisiana natural history, go here.
For my new text book on plant ecology, go here.
For two talks (plant diversity, wetland restoration), go here.
For my new text book on plant ecology, go here.
For two talks (plant diversity, wetland restoration), go here.
(Feel welcome to download the talks for use in classes.)
For scientific papers, go here.
To arrange a visit or lecture, contact me using drpaulkeddy at gmail.
For scientific papers, go here.
To arrange a visit or lecture, contact me using drpaulkeddy at gmail.